Our Services

At Provident, we offer comprehensive data center development services designed to meet your unique needs. From initial site selection to final construction, our team of experts handles every aspect of the process with precision and expertise. Our services include thorough securing optimal locations, conducting feasibility studies, and designing energy-efficient and scalable infrastructures. We also manage all regulatory compliance and obtain necessary permits, providing end-to-end project management.


Choosing the ideal location for our data centers is crucial for ensuring accessibility, power availability and potential for sufficient infrastructure development. Our comprehensive site selection process evaluates key factors such as:

  • Geographic Location

  • Power Availability

  • Connectivity

  • Physical Access Points

  • Economic Factors

  • Environmental Factors


Navigating entitlements and zoning is crucial for successful data center development. We secure all necessary legal approvals and permits, ensuring your site meets local regulations and zoning requirements. This process includes verifying the land is appropriately designated for data center use, considering factors such as building specifications and environmental impact. Our expertise ensures a smooth development phase, avoiding delays and ensuring full compliance with local laws. 

We strive to maintain transparency and collaboration with city council members as well as neighborhoods and communities throughout the zoning process.


Our design and development services ensure your data center operates at peak performance and is ready for future growth. We craft customized, energy-efficient designs that optimize operations and integrate cutting-edge technologies. From detailed planning and construction management to rigorous quality assurance, we deliver reliable, secure, and sustainable data centers tailored to your specific needs.